Free: Roads to Meaning and Resilience with Cancer: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer

Pursuing a more Purposeful Life? Assimilate stories from 39 patients with incurable Lung Cancer as they share their experiences, hopes, and strengths to find meaning in your life. Life is an unfinished project, and similarly, finding meaning is an uncompleted task. But how exactly do we find meaning? How do people find strength? The diagnosis of cancer or other terminal cases create significant adversity. So how do people develop resilience? How do they keep going? These questions had been tack... [Read More...]

Sierra’s Tumble

Sierra West has a murder to investigate. One that comes with a mine, a Native American fetish, and a hole. A hole to 1878. The mine’s owner, Gidry Tyrell, helps Sierra and her brother settle into Tyrell Town, Idaho, a ghost town in 2017, but thriving in 1878. Gidry is on a murder investigation of his own. Can Sierra and her brother help him find who murdered his brother, without becoming victims themselves? Will they all live to help save the orphans who survived a smallpox epidemic only ... [Read More...]

Becoming Olive W.

She’s beautiful and brilliant. But the world is not ready for her to shine… A young woman on the verge of greatness. Society holding her back. Will her journey through a male-dominated world destroy her spirit forever? If you like determined characters, complex relationships, and realistic historical settings, then you’ll love this women’s fiction. $1.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Too Many Questions to Ask

Wayne Sharp newer expected his life to turn like that. Dishonorably discharged, he tries to build his life from the beginning in Clayton, New Mexico. He never expects to be attracted so deeply to the woman in trouble, in trouble beyond hope… Trying to help her, he becomes involved in the dark secrets of the town. Just what can a man do? A successful operation, at least as far as Wayne was concerned. And the bomb was taken out. They wouldn’t expect that when the showdown takes place.... [Read More...]

Ambition: The Missing Attribute in Your Employees

Would you like to encourage ambition to return and improve your workplace? There is a disparity between employers and employees when it comes to what each one wants in the workplace. This gap can be filled with a new and innovative approach to learning that promotes it through curiosity and a willingness to seek answers, rather than simply bombarding employees with endless information products. By creating varied formats to deliver information, businesses can keep their skills relevant and rema... [Read More...]

Followership: Leading From Behind

Leadership and followership are two sides of the same coin. For leaders to function effectively, followers must also be efficient. This book is meant to celebrate the role of followers in effective leadership, as more often, followers are not recognized enough when leaders are celebrated. $4.15 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: The Chakras of Tantra: Seven Wheels of Self-Mastery

Chakras have sparked an unprecedented interest across the world and there has been a vast amount of literature published in recent years. They have inspired spiritual aspirants, seekers and mystics for thousands of years and they have fascinated psychologists, psychotherapists and the general public for over a century. This groundbreaking book presents the tantric view of the chakras as they have been treated traditionally within the rich system of tantric practices and help the reader understa... [Read More...]

Free: In God We Trust; The Dollar We Worship

The purpose of this book is to show the will of the Lord to unlock the blessings in our lives, as long as we do our part with what we are given by God. We learn in the Word that much is required of us in order to be in covenant blessings and abundance with God. It is our focus to assist those that do not know or are confused about what Jesus did for us on Calvary with the truth. We have a lot to do with how much and when we receive from the Father. I will, however, touch on some topics that oth... [Read More...]

Whole Heart

She will never forget the night of July 17; the night that changed her life forever. This is the story of a South African Indian girl searching for emotional healing, wholeness, and purpose. Her experiences mark a journey through loss, pain, and uncertainty, and ultimately, her perseverance to strive against all odds on her quest for self-discovery. This is a story that reminds us to never stop believing even the most seemingly impossible dreams. For it is our dreams and aspirations that give u... [Read More...]