Free: Empty Nest, Full Pockets: How to Emotionally and Financially Prepare for Your Family’s Future

An empty nest starts on solid ground. Prepare your college-age kid, heart, and wallet for your family’s next chapter. You’ve devoted so much effort, time, and energy to raising your children and planning for their future education. They’re ready for the next stage of their life, but are you? Your nest may begin to feel empty, but you’re not stuck navigating this new phase of freedom alone. With a helping hand from a dad who’s done it, you can prepare for your transition from full-time... [Read More...]

The Survival Medical Handbook & Long Term Disaster Preparedness Guide

Are you ready for the impending Doomsday? Fully prepare yourself in less than 4 weeks using new, tested methods that’ll leave your neighbors in the dust… Did you know that there were 980 global natural catastrophes in 2020? When you take into consideration the risk of nuclear incidents, financial ruin, or a general societal collapse, you need to start thinking about the big question: What then? If you are reading this, then you survived the COVID pandemic, but are you really prepared for an... [Read More...]

Never Sit in the Lobby: 57 Winning Sales Factors to Grow a Business and Build a Career Selling

Are you in face-to-face sales and want to win more customers, make more money, and build a solid reputation that skyrockets your career? Success in selling doesn’t always depend on doing everything right. Closing a deal often relies on remembering what not to do—like don’t hate on your competition and never fax the facts. After three decades in the office trenches, Glenn Poulos has figured out exactly what to do—and what to avoid—to get the deal. Get and stay on top of your sales game... [Read More...]

American Conspiracies And Cover-ups

“American Conspiracies And Cover-ups” is a book of 12 interviews with the most famous conspiracy theory authors in the world—Jim Marrs, G. Edward Griffin, Noam Chomsky, and 9 more. The topics talked about in “American Conspiracies And Cover-ups”— the JFK and Martin Luther King assassinations; suppressed cancer cures; stolen elections; the New World Order; the Fake News Media; the Federal Reserve scam; Pearl Harbor; 9/11, and much more. $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Live and Let Work: A Guide to Enjoy Your Corporate Job

Is your typical workday just a mess of email, meetings, and meaningless jargon? Live and Let Work offers a new mindset for the frustrated corporate employee. This guide looks at all the little things that get in the way of happiness at work, offering actionable advice to work around them and take control of the workday. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The Worst Case Survival Book for Disaster Preparedness

If you are reading this, then you survived the COVID pandemic, but are you really prepared for another one? One that could even last years? With climate change getting progressively worse – and with an estimated 20 million preppers worldwide – you don’t want to be the last one left unprepared. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Master Your Mortgage: What the Bank Won’t Tell You About Buying the Right Home

Buying a home might be the biggest mistake of your life. Think the bank is giving you a good deal in your mortgage? It’s time to take another look. The mortgage process is one of the most widely accepted—yet least understood—aspects of the home-buying journey for Canadians. You trust the process, but what if the bank doesn’t have your best interest in mind? This guide lifts the veil on what the banks won’t tell you. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Pacific Northwest Edible Plant Foraging: A Safe Foraging Field Guide for Beginners for Finding, Identifying, Harvesting, and Cooking Organic Edible Foods. Mushroom Identification Guide Included

Pacific Northwest Edible Plant Foraging: A Safe Foraging Field Guide for Beginners for Finding, Identifying, Harvesting, and Cooking Organic Edible Foods. Mushroom Identification Guide Included $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The Prepper’s Survival Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Learning Life-Saving Strategies, Stockpiling, Canning, Home Defense, and Sustain Yourself Living Off-Grid

Learn everything about preparing for disasters When disasters happen, are you the type that can survive them? Look around your home – could you survive thirty days on the water, medical supplies, and fuel you already have? Do you have the necessary supplies to keep you and your family safe if you are forced to hunker down in your home for a month without leaving? Being a good prepper means being prepared to survive any scenario, from keeping your family going when you’ve lost your job, ... [Read More...]