Free: The EPIC Five Plan: 5 Steps to Reclaiming Your Health and Vitality!

Two-thirds of us will die between the ages of fifty and seventy. Keep reading if you don’t want to become a statistic… Several years ago, Dr. Jason Bradley found himself 100+ pounds overweight, with bags under his eyes, a surprising amount of hair loss, and more exhaustion than he ever dreamt possible. Busy with an integrated medical center, he was seeing countless patients, making use of just about every modality you could imagine, from general to functional medicine (and everything in bet... [Read More...]

Free: Nutritional Pilates: Relieve Joint Pain, Lose Unwanted Weight, and Prevent Chronic Disease to Become Your Most Vibrant Self!

You can’t prevent health problems if you don’t know there are any issues. Would you like to understand how to identify, address, and even eliminate these issues? Through her cancer struggle, author Katrina Foe was frustrated and overwhelmed by all the contradictory information while facing the many challenges of finding answers. She didn’t know what to eat or who to turn to. Even in comparing sources of weight loss advice, she was presented with pure chaos in discerning what to do for las... [Read More...]

Free: The Tired Child: How Sleep and Sleep Breathing Can Change Your Child’s Life

The Tired Child: How Sleep and Sleep Breathing Can Change Your Child’s Life Kids across the United States are experiencing a sleep crisis. Sometimes, they can’t sleep because of anxiety or too much screen time. But other times, the problem runs deeper. For some children, the lack of high-quality, restful sleep is due to sleep-disordered breathing. When children can’t breathe properly, they can’t sleep. And a lack of sleep negatively impacts children’s healthy development and puts them... [Read More...]

Your Pelvic Floor Sucks: But It Doesn’t Have To: A Whole Body Guide to a Better Pelvic Floor

Does your pelvic floor suck? Quick answer: Your pelvic floor actually does suck. Most people recognize a kegel exercise. So yes, your pelvic floor sucks, but did you know it does a lot more than that? At least one in four women has some amount of pelvic floor dysfunction and most are being told it’s a normal part of having kids or aging. But Dr. Lindsay Mumma disagrees and thinks you should, too. She outlines an evidence-informed approach for improving pelvic floor function that is nerdy ... [Read More...]

Youth Contact Sports and Broken Brains: Understanding the Hidden Risks of Mental Illness from Early Exposure to Concussive Trauma

Mac’s story and the family’s vulnerability are powerful and followed by undeniable science. Youth Contact Sports And Broken Brains breaks down the science of brain development, repetitive brain trauma, and their links to mental illness while giving parents the information they need to keep their children safe when participating in contact sports. $4.95 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The 2 Keys To Permanent Weight Loss: How to Change Your Overweight Nature Into a Permanent Weight Loss Nature

A bold new look at why dieting doesn’t work – and how you can finally break a lifetime of yo-yo dieting using nothing more than the incredible power of your own mind. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Balance Exercises for Seniors: Prevent Falls, Improve Stability and Posture with Simple Home Workouts

If you’re ready to regain balance and to protect yourself (or your elderly loved ones) from fall-related injuries, then you need this book today! $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Ending the Eczema Epidemic: Surprising Solutions to Transforming Your Skin from Within

The byproduct of years of practice in the medical field, Ending the Eczema Epidemic was written by Ana-Maria Temple, MD, and John Temple, MD, to expose the factors involved in treating eczema, allergies, and chronic diseases. Contrary to what one might expect, their solutions focus on gut healing through nutrition, removing environmental toxins, and restoring gut and skin microbiomes. In fact, their anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle recommendations would likely improve the lives of anyone wi... [Read More...]

Health to Vitality: Liberate Yourself from the Shackles of Traditional Health Care and Empower Yourself to Create a Life of Vitality & Fulfillment

Our current healthcare system is not designed to create vitality for us. The foundation and principles are focused on keeping us alive and making sure we survive. Although it has proven to be capable of keeping us alive, it does so at a high price, both financially and by creating dependency on it. The solutions offered by our current medical model are focused on symptoms and mostly result in surgeries, medications, or some type of never-ending therapy. Health to Vitality empowers you to take y... [Read More...]

Stop Stress Eating Now

Emotional eating taking over your life and ruining your self-esteem? Then keep reading to how you can Stop Stress Eating NOW! Do you struggle to lose weight or keep it off? Do you often reach for your favorite fatty comfort food whenever you feel happy or sad? Do you wish you could put an end to your stress eating habits for good? If you said YES to any of these questions, you’re in the right place! Most importantly, you’re not alone. Sought-after psychologist and bestselling author John Be... [Read More...]