Free: Women, Divorce and Money: Taking Control of Your Finances and Your Future

Navigating the stress in divorce is difficult enough, but in the middle of it, you are also expected to make critical financial decisions about your future. Your friends are telling you what you should do, your attorney is asking what you want to do, and you might not know what you need to do. To make good financial decisions, you also need to feel good about yourself! Your new financial life and your new outlook on life must work together. In Women, Divorce, and Money: Taking Control of Your F... [Read More...]

Metaverse Investing For Beginners Ultimate Guide: Grow Your Wealth with Digital Assets

Could you become a Metaverse millionaire even if you’re not a professional investor? Metaverse enthusiast and practitioner John Hernandez provides an A to Z guide to quickly get you up to speed on this new world and start passively profiting from it – all without the confusing technical jargon. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

[2022 Version] How to Start and Grow an E-Commerce Business

Warning: this book cannot make you rich. Probably not the blurb you expected for a book about making money online, was it? But here’s the reality: there is no book on earth that can give you the Golden Ticket. The idea that you can print money from a magical money vending machine (“put $1 in, you’ll get $4 out!”) is a lie. It is spread by internet marketing gurus who have a vested interest in your belief in it. More belief in the lie = more seats sold in their “masterclass.”So, what... [Read More...]

Faster Safer Wealthier: Skip the Start-up and Buy a Stable Business to Build Intergenerational Wealth

High-risk entrepreneurship is a tough route to a rich life and financial freedom. Start-up stress, like relying on a once-in-a-lifetime innovation or setting out on a one-track objective of billionaire status, results in detours and setbacks rather than the financial rewards you desire. Not all businesses are high-risk endeavours though. Substantial, lasting wealth can be built in the space between broke and billionaire—when you reframe your idea of business ownership. Skip the risky start-up... [Read More...]

Tax Planning For Women Entrepreneurs: A Strategy to Permanently Reduce Your Taxes and Build Wealth Faster for Early Retirement

How to make the most of your tax breaks and reap the financial rewards, even if you struggle with filing… The fear of taxes often comes from misunderstanding. Many people believe that the goal of taxes is to take from the people, when in fact the tax code is written to benefit the people who contribute back to the economy. By changing the way you approach your taxes, you can transform the way they impact your life. Through strategic planning, you can take advantage of the hundreds of dedu... [Read More...]

Customer Escalations Management: The Golden Recipe

No one likes complaints, especially from customers. What if we look at these complaints differently though, by seeing them as opportunities instead of problems? You should still aim to avoid escalations and complains; nevertheless, your attitude toward them should make all the difference. If you want to reduce stress, frustration, and dissatisfaction for your customers (and your employees), then grab your copy now on Amazon! $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Ghosts in the Machine: Overcoming Decision-Making Bias in the Sales Cycle with Behavioral Science

Ghosts in the Machine will give you a better understanding of the human beings you are communicating with and the hidden drivers behind the sometimes irrational decisions they make, decreasing their resistance to you and increasing your effectiveness in selling to them. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Fulfilled: The Passion & Provision Strategy for Building a Business with Profit, Purpose & Legacy

Running a business can be discouraging, overwhelming, and lonely. Everything looks good from the outside, but on the inside, youre struggling to take your business to the next level while still living your best life. What you need is a holistic strategy for running a stable company that makes money and allows you to sleep well at night.This might seem like a fairy tale, but its not. After years of research and honing their strategies, Kathryn and Michael K. Redman have developed a framework tha... [Read More...]

Customer Escalations Management: The Golden Recipe

No one likes complaints, especially from customers. What if we look at these complaints differently though, by seeing them as opportunities instead of problems? You should still aim to avoid escalations and complains; nevertheless, your attitude toward them should make all the difference. If you want to reduce stress, frustration, and dissatisfaction for your customers (and your employees), then grab your copy now! $1.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Be Vigilant!: Strategies to Stop Complacency, Improve Performance, and Safeguard Success. Your Business and Relationships Depend on It.

Success can be deadly in business, leadership, and relationships. When you’re used to winning and achieving, overconfidence and faulty logic can blind you to potential dangers up ahead. Complacency costs money, causes slip ups, and creates critical mistakes that will put your company, your brand, and your teams at risk. Len Herstein shares law enforcement–inspired business strategies to help you see beyond the target and stay vigilant against threats like competition, predictability, bad ha... [Read More...]