Health and Wealth is Always Green

Health and Wealth is Always Green is a book that has steps a person need to take to become a licensed Cannabis Dispensary in a restricted state here in the United States. It give detailed accounts and solutions to what is to come when running a dispensary. This book also gives business advice to any current Entrepreneur in business on how to be successful. Health and Wealth is Always Green is also a motivational book to never give up even when the challenges is many. $3.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Cover to Cover: What First-Time Authors Need to Know about Editing

Read THIS book before you publish YOUR book. Don’t make first-time author mistakes. Inside: How to find and work with an editor, project costs, levels of editing, BONUS checklist for prepping your manuscript. A toolkit for tinkering under the hood of your working manuscript so you can take your work as far as you can before an edit and production. Triple award winner: business/publishing. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Financial Insight: Be the Author of Your Life Story

No two people with the same amount of money make the same choices. What is your relationship with money? Success is often conflated with how much money you have, how much money you earn, and how much money you spend. Instead, what if you shifted your mindset to your values and established your personal definition of success? Every decision you make from your partner, to your house, and even your morning coffee is a financial decision. Financial Insight focuses on learning how to make the best d... [Read More...]

Free: Disaster Ready in 14 Steps: Emergency Survival Guide for New Preppers

Are you uncertain about how to prepare your family for natural or man-made disasters? Do you feel like there’s never enough time? Disaster Ready in 14 Steps: Emergency Survival Guide for New Preppers offers a straightforward approach to fundamental emergency preparedness, ensuring that you and your family are ready to face a wide range of potential scenarios, including nuclear disasters. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Crafting Captains: The Handbook of Leadership Excellence

Embark on the Journey to Leadership Mastery Every great leader once stood at a crossroads, faced with the choice to either remain average or ascend to the pinnacle of excellence. In Crafting Captains: The Handbook of Leadership Excellence, you’re provided with the roadmap to make that ascent. Leadership is an Art and a Science: Delve deep into the intricate tapestry of leadership, starting from the very definition of a leader. Discover the advanced communication techniques, effective skil... [Read More...]

Free: The Leadership Lessons of Howard Stern

Do you have the right energy to lead yourself and others? Are you lacking joyful energy in your career? Contrary to certain opinions, Howard Stern provides a strong example of what it takes to be a great leader. Howard uses his unique energy and shares it with the world. That is what great leaders do. You are a great leader as well, although you may not yet know how to share your uniqueness with others. Author Michael Kublin founded PeopleTek after twenty years of career navigation and years of... [Read More...]

Guide to Financial Freedom: Discover Money Skills for Teens to Retire Early, Tax Strategies, Budgeting, and Rich Habits

Is this your story? Worried about being stuck in the usual 9 to 5 job for the next 40 years? Have you tried other solutions but nothing seems to work? If you are feeling the urge to seek money-earning alternatives, then this book is for you. Business owner, investor, and wealth wisdom seeker Christian Prez provides you with a step-by-step blueprint to achieve Financial Independence without waiting a lifetime. Heres a fraction of what you will discover in this book: Achieve Financial Freedom by ... [Read More...]

When Money Gets Personal: Handling Financial Dilemmas in Life’s Defining Moments

Over 70 real stories with solutions to help you navigate crucial money moments in your life. These solutions are proven, guaranteed to help. They provide answers about various topics about money! $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The Inheritance Playbook

DO YOU HAVE AGING PARENTS AND THE STRESS OF KNOWING YOU WILL BE SETTLING THEIR ESTATE SOMEDAY? DID YOU KNOW THERE ARE STRATEGIES AVAILABLE THAT YOU CAN IMPLEMENT WHILE THEY’RE ALIVE TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY? In the delicate balance of aging parents and looming inheritance, the responsibilities of managing their finances can be overwhelming. But what if these duties could be transformed into a proactive game plan that benefits not only your parents but your entire family? The Inheritance Pla... [Read More...]

Single: Not Incomplete: Finding fulfillment in a season the world tells you to rush through

Girl, I get it. You read the title and grimaced at another book on positivity during your singleness. In a world that worships romantic relationships, it’s easy to feel like you’re less because you don’t have one. For most of my life, I went from relationship to relationship believing this. Insert some plot twists, a season of singleness that lasted longer than anticipated, and I realized that maybe romantic relationships aren’t the ultimate worth definer. Perhaps our wo... [Read More...]