Mail Duty

Captain Dustin Reed escaped from an understaffed psychiatric hospital. Three years later, he was Justin Rowe, the Crazy-Town mailman—a lovable, eager to please, nerd. He knew his customers: when their bills were late, when their adult-toys arrived, when they went on vacation, and when their cars were parked at the church, while they were at the bar or motel. He knew them, but they did not know him. They didn’t know he was an ex-soldier whose untreated PTSD forced him to relive missions. The... [Read More...]


In the murky wake of the financial crisis a string of establishments pop up across Europe catering to a hedonistic underground, its clientele beholden to a strange, hallucinatory meat. Stoked by the fleshy and charismatic Hugo and fuelled by voracious consumption of ecstasy, the craze spreads from the heart of Europe all the way to the Mediterranean, where in Athens the financial elite begin to turn on each other. Murder, barbecue and apocalyptic raving ensues, culminating in the most savage pa... [Read More...]

HIS Mess, HIS Stress: Rod and Maris

Rod blindsides his family by revealing something none of them are prepared to hear. But wanting to call it quits on a 20-year marriage is not easy for Maris, and she struggles with what to do with the everyday new normal that has now taken over her family and has it in complete dysfunction that everyone is now talking about. $3.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Dr. Hot Stuff

Racing heart? Check. Damp palms? Check. All signs indicate I’ve got it bad for Lady Isabella Blankenship. It could be contagious, since Iz shows all the same symptoms. But what’s got her pulling back anytime things blaze between us? I know a modern-day duchess might have baggage from finding out she’s the illegitimate child of a dead American philanderer with more kids than morals. But Izzy’s on edge, and there’s more to it than run-of-the-mill culture shock. Turns out I’m not the o... [Read More...]

Love, Chocolate, and a Dog Named Al Capone

Capone, the newly acquired puppy of Miss Josephine St. Clair, owner of Bartleby’s Books, is a literature loving Labrador. Obsessed with Jane Austen, and cursed with a terrible name, Capone hopes to change his doggie karma and prove he’s just as much a gentleman as the heroes in his favorite books, by finding the perfect Mr. Darcy for the lonely and bookishly adorable Miss Josie. Unfortunately, the only men Miss Josie seems to encounter aren’t Darcys at all. They’re Wickh... [Read More...]

Eight-Man Cowboy

Delvin Davis is an NFL coach on his way to the Hall of Fame when an egregious Super Bowl blunder costs him everything. Humiliated and running from haters, he’s exiled to a woebegone fishing town in Maine and relegated to coaching eight-man high school football with flimsy hopes of returning to the spotlight. Battling rival teams, a new nemesis, and his ruined reputation, Davis decides to make a run for the local high school principal’s heart. As Davis tries to turn the Spring Harbor Warrior... [Read More...]


A young mother finds she has an admirer who is very difficult to please Dana is not in a good place financially or emotionally. So when she finds a bag of money under a bush after dropping her kids off at school, she’d be forgiven for thinking her luck has changed for the better. Unfortunately, things go from bad to worse. She starts getting threatening letters. They claim to be from her “number one fan”, referring to a time when she was a popular actress on an Australian soap opera. The ... [Read More...]