God’s letters: 132 Capital Letters Came During a Vision in 2001

In 2001 a man recorded a vision, which contained 132 capital letters of the Greek alphabet that created a quadrangular shape 11 to 12. A study revealed that the text is readable in 115 different ways in the ancient Greek language and parallel it encloses depictions and symbols. The vision-text, which has as its principal symbol the crucifix of Jesus Christ, turned out to be the Contemporary Revelation. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The Angelic Realm

Are you seeking comfort, healing, hope, joy and inspiration? Are you interested in the afterlife? The true stories and revelations are heartening and enlightening as I take you into the realm (heaven) with my visits, spiritual encounters, and the messages that are being revealed to me to deliver to others. Engulf yourself into ‘The Angelic Realm’ for a peaceful mystifying read! $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Eden: Biblical Fiction of the World’s First Family (The Fall of Man Series Book 1)

“You want me to tell of how I broke the world.” It’s the year 641 since the beginning of everything, and when Eve passes away, she leaves Adam the only man on earth who remembers everything since they walked in Eden. When Enoch, God’s newly appointed prophet, decides to collect the stories of the faithful from previous generations, he finds Adam in desperate need to confess the dark secrets he’s held onto for too long. Beside a slowly burning bonfire in the dead of ... [Read More...]

Free: Calm Instead of Clamor

If you want to lower your stress and increase your joy, then you will love Traveler’s latest book: Calm Instead of Clamor is like having a comforting Christian counselor in your home showing you easy, clinically proven steps to lower the fever of fear in your heart. Whether your fear is rooted in the present pandemic, the climate, the economy, family problems, past trauma, or spiritual despair, this book will show you a path, clear and simple, to get your anxiety under control. Her book expla... [Read More...]

Oracle Cards 101: A Guidebook to Understanding Divination

Oracle Cards 101 is a guidebook to reading oracle cards. It shares with you all the tips and techniques to prepare your card deck, teaches you how to read the cards, and helps you to understand how to discern the card’s messages. The exercises in this book will encourage you to develop your intuition by strengthening your natural innate abilities. It also shares unique spreads that will help you to tune in and trust your inner knowing, and tap into the wisdom of your soul. Whether for per... [Read More...]

Free: Chaos In The Blink Of An Eye

As the football was kicked into the snow-filled sky, long-foretold Bible prophecy came to pass, causing many inside Michigan Stadium to vanish into thin air without a trace. It was just the beginning of things to come, as life as humanity had known it was forever changed in the blink of an eye…Free to $0.99 on Kindle. Learn More ... [Read More...]


This book is about “forgiveness”. It is filled with many occasions of forgiveness in the lives of notable biblical characters and even many who were quite unknown. There is a flow of forgiveness throughout the scriptures and it is truly the most important gift that we have ever received. It is the foundation of our relationship with God and the reason for the hope of eternal life. ... [Read More...]

A Witch’s Guide to Spellcraft

While there is more to witchcraft than casting spells, it’s hard to deny that spellcraft still plays a key part and is often how many of us start out in the magickal arts. But like most aspects of witchcraft, spellcraft is not easy. Lighting a thousand candles and reciting just as many beautifully rhyming words will not, in themselves, get the job done. It takes concerted and consistent effort to develop, hone, and maintain the skills and abilities that are necessary to make the magick go... [Read More...]

Free: Bible Answers Curious Children Need: God’s Truth is in Every Child’s Heart

Our Children Need Help Tragically, many “killjoy” religions intimidate children into abandoning their conscience and replacing it with religious rules. Morally intelligent children then become confused. These children need the information in this book so that they will know that their childhood joy is the pathfinder for what God wants them to do. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: God Is Not A God Of Religion

God is not a God of Religion is Gods word for this next decade. Having a relationship with everything and everyone else we have lost sight of our most important relationship which is with our creator. This book has been inspired by God to show that there is a distinct difference between religion and relationship. For far too long God has been defined synonymous with religion which has led people to a great deception. The reason being is that the false form of something can never give you the ta... [Read More...]