The Secrets of the Kings

The Secrets of the Kings

“It was that crazy feeling of a person being able to do anything in a dream. Alex handled the blade as if she were born to it.”

When twenty-four-year-old Alex Kincaid inherits a gold mask from a mysterious benefactor, her only question is why. The following day, she is the victim of a brutal assault. Are these events related? Could these happenings also be linked to the terrifying recurring nightmares haunting Alex every night?

Alex soon finds, much to her shock, that she is now a Mask Bearer. This ancient secret society is dedicated to guarding the knowledge and power of the venerable masks. In the wrong hands, these relics could end the world as we know it. Who chose Alex and why?

Join Alex and her friends as she tries to unravel the mysteries surrounding her cursed inheritance. At the same time, Alex must contend with her complicated feelings for Gabriel Reyes, a distractingly attractive friend intent on keeping Alex alive and winning her heart. Can Alex trust him with the truth?

Fortunately, Alex’s tough upbringing has prepared her to fight. Will she outlive the ancient vendetta that she inherited along with the golden treasure? And will Set, the ancient god of storms and disorder, allow Alex to survive his terrible retribution?

Mysterious, exhilarating, and utterly gripping, Nora Delzelle’s entertaining fantasy, The Secrets of the Kings, takes readers through a twisted journey they will never want to end. $0.99 on Kindle.

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